Whitby Jet is fossilised wood whereas Obsidian is natural glass.

R.E.K.It’s a type of volcanic glass that is found in many parts of the world.Radar (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).Lifeform Analyzer (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).Tally Counter (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).Goblin Tech (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).DPS Meter (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).Stopwatch (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).Metal Detector (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).Fish Finder (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).Sextant (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).Weather Radio (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).Fisherman's Pocket Guide (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).GPS (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions).Compass (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions).(Console, Old-gen console, Mobile and 3DS versions) Unlike most necklaces, it is not visible when equipped to players or Mannequins.It is located at 549′ east and 1118′ caverns in a Glowing Mushroom biome in the left of the two Chests spawning there. On the Desktop version, a Lava Charm can always be found in a world with the seed 1.16465593 ( small, any difficulty, Corruption).Of these, only the Demonic Hellcart is not itself a Lava Charm upgrade. The Lava Waders or Terraspark Boots (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) stack with the Lava Charm to increase lava immunity by 7 seconds, and the Demonic Hellcart (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) gives an additional 7 seconds to a maximum total of (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 21 / (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 14 seconds.It will also help if the player gets pushed into the lava in The Underworld.This accessory will make the mining of Hellstone easier.(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Another way to get a Lava Charm is to get a Magma Stone from Hellbats and Lava Bats and transmute it with Shimmer.Bombs, Abandoned Mine Tracks, and Spelunker Potions can help search a wide area quickly. To search for a Lava Charm, try to rapidly explore a wide area of the (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Cavern lava layer / (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Cavern layer.Unlike accessories that provide immunity to debuffs, equipping the Lava Charm does not give immediate protection equipping it after falling into lava will not help.

Obsidian Skull Rose (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).Molten Skull Rose (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Molten Charm (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Magma Skull (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Lava immunity time is recharged gradually by exiting lava, the same way breathing time is recharged by exiting water (albeit much more slowly). It operates similarly to the breath meter, but displays flame icons instead of bubbles. When the Lava Charm is equipped and the player comes into contact with lava, a 7-second countdown begins, signified by a lava meter that displays over the player's head. On the Desktop version, Console version, and Mobile version, it can only be found in Chests in the lower portion of the Caverns where lava pools can naturally spawn, as opposed to Chests throughout the entirety of the Caverns.

It is found in Chests located in the cavern layer as well as obtained from Hellstone Crates (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and Obsidian Crates (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) with a 1/20 (5%) chance. The Lava Charm is an accessory that grants immunity to lava for 7 seconds. Obsidian Crate (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Obsidian Crate (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Hellstone Crate (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Hellstone Crate (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)